Sandra Troy

1935 – 2023

Sandra Troy of Monroe Township passed away on Monday, February 6, 2023. She was 87.

Sandra, known to friends and family as Sandy, was born June 24, 1935 at the Royal Hospital in the Bronx. She was the only child of Morris and Elsie Gottlieb. Sandy and her parents lived simply in a one-bedroom apartment on Jessup Avenue. Sandy would not have her own bedroom until she married.

Morris was a USPS clerk and Elsie was a saleswoman for the department store Gimbels. Neither went to college, but they taught their daughter to work hard and to value education. Sandy soon showed that she was a gifted student. She skipped a year of middle school and entered New York’s celebrated High School of Music and Art. From there she attended City College, known at the time as “the poor man’s Harvard” because of its many exceptional students who came from modest economic circumstances. Sandy eventually enrolled in Baruch, City College’s business school. There she immersed herself in business and economics and continued to excel.

Sandy won a full scholarship to the University of Minnesota’s graduate school of economics. Among other things, she studied there under Professor Edward Coen, father of the famous film-makers known as the “Coen brothers.”

Sandy continued pursuing economics by taking a job at the National Bureau of Economic Research in Manhattan. She met Leo Troy at the NBER on Madison Avenue, where they worked together. She and Leo married in 1956 and had two children, Alexander and Suzannah. The marriage ended in divorce in 1981.

Sandy ended her graduate studies in economics to marry and raise children, as was common at the time. In the early 1970’s, she returned to work, joining the human resources department of Rutgers University’s library system. In the late 1970’s, she returned to graduate school in economics at Rutgers, successfully completing her master’s degree in economics.

Sandy worked 37 years for the Rutgers library system, earning a reputation for fairness, hard work, and devotion to her colleagues. She encouraged many employees to pursue opportunities they might otherwise have felt were beyond them. And she worked hard to ensure that every employee received the maximum benefits to which they were entitled. In this way she changed many lives.

Sandy is survived by her children, Suzannah and Alexander, her daughter-in-law Dale Winokur Troy, and grandchildren Ariel, Abby, and Rachel.

Funeral services and burial are 12:00 noon on Wednesday, February 8 at Princeton Cemetery, 29 Greenview Avenue, Princeton, NJ.

Funeral arrangements are by Orland’s Ewing Memorial Chapel.