Rick Laden

Rick Alan Laden, of Ewing, passed away on November 13, 2024 at his home.

Son of the late Robert and Gloria Laden, he is survived by his sister Bonnie L. Solomon.

Funeral services and burial are 11:00 AM on Tuesday, November 19 at Ewing Cemetery, 78 Scotch Road, Ewing, NJ.


Funeral arrangements are by Orland’s Ewing Memorial Chapel. OrlandsMemorialChapel.com/Rick-Laden

4 thoughts on “Rick Laden

  1. Steven Lavine

    I’m sad to hear about the passing of my friend Rick Laden.I remember spending a lot of time at Ladens home !

    Bonnie you probably don’t remember me . it was a long time ago ,

    It might have when I was kin AZA!

    I am so sorry for your loss!

  2. John DeSantis II

    So sorry Bonnie to have only just now heard of our loss.
    My friendship with your family was inherited from my dad, and that went back before the mid 50s. I’m proud to have been the benefactor of Ricks comraderie as Jack was of Bob’s. Rick spent titeless hours with me in conversation back when my bones had me crippled and inactivity was eroding what passed for my sanity.
    He left a debt I can’t repay, and a singular sense of grief and loss. Among all the blessings I’ve enjoyed during my tenure in this miracle called Creation none would glorify G_d greater than the moment our hope ends in fruition ; when our families meet again in that land from which no traveller returns.

  3. Dorothy

    I just found out. Deepest sympathy to you, Bonnie. This is Velma’s Sister, Dorothy. I’m so sorry for your loss. He was always nice and generous person.

    God bless,
    Velma’s sister

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